Empowering Sustainable Connections in Design Education: a Community Blueprint

Empowering Sustainable Connections in Design Education: a Community Blueprint


Kristjan Poska
Kristjan Poska


Degree Project


Tanel Kärp
Tanel Kärp





Goal 4: Quality education

Inspired by German industrial designer Dieter Rams’ belief that “Design can only be as good as the designers themselves,” this degree project in the international interaction design program (IxD.ma) at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) addresses the challenges facing design education. As the design field is evolving rapidly amid changing professional landscapes, societal shifts, and rising educational costs, there is an urgent need to rethink how design education can more effectively meet the needs of students and the industry alike.

This project investigates the love triangle between the design industry, educational institutions, and students to develop sustainable strategies that enhance the academic framework and community engagement within IxD.ma. By implementing a user-centered community involvement system, this project introduces a sustainable community blueprint aimed at strengthening connections in the IxD.ma community and empowering its members with sustainable engagement opportunities.

The project involves three strategic interventions: the development of a database of community members for facilitating direct contact, the establishment of regular engagement events to maintain involvement, and the organization of collaborative time spent together to ensure that graduates and students not only find their place in the job market but stay proud members of the IxD.ma community, thus contributing to a cycle of continuous improvement and innovation in design education.

The project's outcomes cultivate a more connected, supportive, and dynamic educational environment, enabling IxD.ma to produce well-prepared designers equipped to navigate and shape the future of the design industry.

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