Memory Canvas: Sense of home through collaborative creative expression

Memory Canvas: Sense of home through collaborative creative expression


Heily Bergmann
Heily Bergmann


Degree Project


Nesli Hazal Oktay, PhD
Nesli Hazal Oktay, PhD



Maria Pukk


Goal 3: Good health and well-being

This degree project explores how digital nomads, people with location-independent work, create a sense of home in temporary living spaces. Through a design thinking approach, the project investigates what aspects contribute to a feeling of home and how technology can personalise temporary living spaces. The research mainly reveals that the atmosphere of a space, a balance of tangible and intangible elements, plays a crucial role in creating a sense of home. Digital nomads value experiences over possessions and find a sense of belonging by reflecting on memories and actively creating new ones. Building on these main findings, the project proposes a solution that allows users to create a sense of home through collaborative creative expression, utilising mixed reality as a medium.

Ultimately, this project contributes to the field of interaction design by highlighting the potential of technology to create a sense of home for digital nomads. It explores how technology can be used not just to personalise temporary living spaces, but also to strengthen the connection to past experiences, and collaboratively create new ones.

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